Photos represent the initial segment of an advertisement that catches the attention of most purchasers. Incorporating crisp, comprehensive visuals entices potential buyers and reduces the need for answering queries that could be resolved through a photograph. Töko cy permits the inclusion of up to 10 images per product listing. Feel free to utilise all available slots.

Tips when taking photos:

  • Use bright lighting and uncluttered backgrounds.
  • Take photos of your item from different angles so buyers can get a 360 degree look.
  • The larger the item you're selling, the more photos you should take.

To add photos

  1. If you're posting a new item for sale, tap Start Selling. If you're editing an existing listing, tap Edit 
  2. On the listing you'd like to update press next to the Images section if you're posting a new item, or scroll down if you are editing.
  3. Click Drag and Drop your files to choose photos from your file browser or click and drag images directly over top of the Drag and Drop your files section.
  4. When the X button appears in the corner of the image, it has finished uploading.

To delete photos

  1. From the post or edit ad screen, scroll down to the Images section.
  2. Click the bin  button in the corner of each photo to remove it.
  3. If you're editing, save your changes by clicking Update My Listing at the bottom of the screen.

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